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I Was Once a Hero

By Adventures in MSPaint No Comments

I once saved a child’s life. She ran in between an automatic door and a hand rail like a little bean head. I held the door in place while her mom yelled at her to move. The child looked up at me with horror in her eyes, like was the one about to squish her.

Whatevs. Real heroes don’t need to be thanked.

Dream Drawings

By Adventures in MSPaint No Comments

Had a brief period of time where I had some pretty silly dreams. I’d wake up and put them down into Paint, immortalizing them in the process. This first one was of a heavily armored knight in a dying wheat field, surrounded by giant stone statues. It was very ominous feeling.


Here is one where I was a werewolf in a disco outfit. I fought vampires in my old elementary school. It was rad.

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